Lou and Wy's momma

My photo
Stanberry, MO, United States
Welcome friends! Hello! Come on in, have a look, sit down for some coffee... I'm Jamie, I am a knitter, crocheter, and lover of all crafty things. Here you will find my endeavors, whether they are successful or not, ramblings about my every day life, and well, anything I decide to chat about. Hope you come again once you've gone... More coffee???

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Desperate to blog!

I've very much so been wanting to blog, write out thoughts, memories, pictures, patterns, etc......

I have no way to get all 2000 pics from my phone to this wee net book... that would take a lot of space wouldn't it? Maybe I need a declutter of pics from the tele eh?

Well I've got several WIP's (works in progress) going. I'm learning to knit so I've got a scarf going, a wash cloth for my momma in crochet, and I'm turning the wheels in my head to start something else.

I've just ordered some yarn off Ravelry.  I am very excited for that. Then coming soon the hubby has said I can order some more yarn off rav from a friend... Is it bad I get so giggly over yarn?

Sould you be interested my Ravelry page is louwymomma. I am on there a lot, and add lots of stash yarn and what not.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I am a huge fan of crafting now. As I've gotten older I find that creating things makes me happy. I love to crochet... That's my #1 thing. I am of course going to add individual bloggies of my crocheted stuff. I guess I will even add in my "frogged" things, things that just didn't quite make the cut. I have a place that I go called Ravelry . I absolutely love it, and of course there are more sites, but for now this is my fav.

I want to learn to knit too... My SIL Lisa is AWESOME at it. She's going to teach me , but I am so nervous to try. I'm quite sheepish about it lol! Well anyway Lisa is awesome!!!

Guess that's all for now. I wanted to at least start my blog :) Hope I get some followers, hope I find some awesome crafty blogs to follow!

Later gators!