Lou and Wy's momma

My photo
Stanberry, MO, United States
Welcome friends! Hello! Come on in, have a look, sit down for some coffee... I'm Jamie, I am a knitter, crocheter, and lover of all crafty things. Here you will find my endeavors, whether they are successful or not, ramblings about my every day life, and well, anything I decide to chat about. Hope you come again once you've gone... More coffee???

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

So I am gonna make soap...

Eventually that is...

And this is how I'm gonna do it...

Yes, yes you can call me crazy, with "oh my Gawd your kids, dog, what the heck..." But hey, I do believe I can do it. I also think that for the size batches (small) I am going to make I seriously don't need to worry about the lye so much. Ok, that's a lie, because lye is dangerous, I mean seriously, would I lie...LMAO, sorry had to do that.

OK seriously though, I am a NOVICE, and NO ONE should attempt to make soap ( I haven't yet) SERIOUSLY, guys, without watching some videos, googling it, whatever. Just do not do anything I do and say you did it because of me, because seriously if an eye is put it, that ain't my fault... we clear?

I will def keep everyone updated, and my endeavors will obviously be posted here. Everyone knows I am seriously an internet whore, so yeah, it'll all be here :)

Gotta buy some supplies... I def do NOT want to use the same utensils, crock pot, or pans that I use for soap for eating... yucky! I bet lye gettin inside would not be pleasant...

Yep, I will def be taking every precaution :)
I think I will start with some glycerin soaps, just because I know the kids will want to play too :)

Wow, that pic is scary!!!


Saturday, February 25, 2012

Vanilla Dream may be myworst nightmare

OK, so, I am working on socks, you know I have never ever made them before. I am a relatively new knitter, only been doing so since December... BUT I will NOT give up. I am working on these socks HERE is the pattern. I am following it to the T, except I messed up & on the row where you switch from the cuff (kk,pp) I accidentally did a pp, kk. That's OK, it looks awesome! Usually a cuff pattern is k,p,k,p (knit, purl) all the way around, or kk, pp. So no biggie that I messed up. Good thing for me is this blog so that whenever I get to the other sock I will be able to look @ my blog & say "Ah, yes, that IS what I did :) Plus these are MY socks & an imperfection just means that they are home made.


Mind you it is taking me sooooo long because I have had to rip this SOB out like 8 times, literally. BUT, I get it now, and I am on the leg part. That is just plain ole kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, knitting :) for 7 inches, that is A LOT lol! I am doing these on size 2 DPN's, they are my lovely harmony wood set from knitpicks.com. These needles are my absolute favories. I am thinking awfully seriously of ordering their straights & circulars. BUT they are expensive. Maybe a birthday pressie? Or a anniversary pressie?

HAHA ok, that's be all on this topic now lol. I am going to work on this demon sock now, tend to sick babies, and contemplate deleting my FB..... or only using it to post blog links, what do you think?


Red Rock fun

Hansome hubby!! He's too cooooool...

View from the ground...

Going up... Come on mom!

No mom really! Your taking forever!!!

We were there with Chris, Ben's boss, our closest friend. He's an amazing guy & honestly it's a privelage being in his company. He loves our kids & treats them as his own. Looking forward to many many more good times.

View from the top, we all sounded like we'd ran a marathon! I was surprised at how well little feet did! So proud of my babies.

Pretty Girl

He didn't want thispic taken at all, he was actually running by while I snapped it lol!

Look mommy, we got one!

Oh so tired babies...

And this is how this Santa Cruz family spends every spare moment, getting out, living life, enjoying each other, trying to avoid stress. This place is beautiful with it;s desert, saguaros, and washes. Beautiful campsites & plenty of wood. I can assure you I'll post pics of us camping here soon!

MMMM I can't wait to go camp & fish @ Parker Canyon!

Bye lovies :)


Revamp of the kids room

So we're in the process of slowly redoing the kids room. These obviously are the before pictures. I've got such hopes, aspirations, and ideas for their little abode. I really want to make it so comfy, cozy, and happy... their little get-a-way. I am going to go look at rugs for their room, also going to buy some vynil tile. Mom had dogs & kitties & so the carpet had to go.

I will post more pics as we go through & fix up.

I know it's not my house (this house is a perk of managing here) but I still want to treat it as my own, so that it;s nice & a little better than before me. This is an old farm house, actually Double R Ranch is an old farm, but now it's a mobile home park. I absolutely love it here, and love my job... even though it's trying sometimes.

I have so much to talk about, it's my blog, so I may post several things today/tomoro just to catch anyone up, does anyone even read this blog? Eh, I do it for myself any way :)
